Get in touch
Have questions about your order, or a general enquiry?
Thank you very much for considering our brand for your business. Rest assured that we are here to help you grow your business with our products.
Each order is unique and handmade by artisans.
For wholesale inquiries please visit us at
Thank you very much for considering our brand for your business. Rest assured that we are here to help you grow your business with our products.
Each order is unique and handmade by artisans.
Minimum order is $150 please visit us at
Send order/Processing time 4 to 7 days.
Estimated delivery time can take up to 4 weeks from the time you place your order. Place your order ASAP. All designs and items are limited and unique.
Muchísimas gracias por considerar nuestra marca para su negocio. Tenga seguro que estamos aquí para ayudarle en crecer su negocio con nuestro productos.
Cada orden es única y hecha a mano por artesanas.
Mínimo de compra es $200 de cualquier estilo con el mínimo de 2 por estilo.
Mandar orden/ Tiempo de proceso de 4 a 7 días.
Have questions about your order, or a general enquiry?